Which is a set point that tells the debugger when to pause the execution of code?(1 point)

A. stop point
B. pause point
C. break point
D. set point

C. break point

C. break point

The correct answer is C. break point.

A break point is a specific point in your code where you want the debugger to pause the execution of your program. It allows you to examine the state of your program at that point and analyze variables, evaluate expressions, or step through the code line by line.

To set a break point in most modern debugging environments, you typically need to follow these steps:

1. Open your IDE or debugger.
2. Navigate to the source code file where you want to set the break point.
3. Identify the line of code where you want the program to pause execution.
4. Click on the left-hand margin of that line, usually in the area where line numbers are displayed. This action sets the break point for that line.
5. Once the break point is set, you can execute your program in debug mode.
6. When the program reaches the break point, it will pause execution, and the debugger will switch to a debugging mode, allowing you to examine the program's state and step through the code.

Remember that break points are useful tools for locating, understanding, and fixing bugs in your code.