Brianna must wear a guard because she grinds her teeth from side to side in her sleep. In medical terms, this movement is called:

In medical terms, this movement is called bruxism.

In medical terms, the movement of grinding teeth from side to side in sleep is commonly referred to as "bruxism." Bruxism is a condition that involves clenching, gnashing, or grinding of teeth, usually during sleep. To manage this condition, Brianna is advised to wear a guard or an oral appliance, also known as a night guard, to protect her teeth and reduce the damage caused by bruxism.

To determine the medical term for the side-to-side movement of grinding teeth during sleep, one would need to consult a reliable medical resource. In this case, it is likely that the relevant medical term is "bruxism" or "nocturnal bruxism." This term refers to the involuntary grinding, clenching, or gnashing of teeth, typically during sleep. It is worth noting that a professional medical opinion should be sought, as only a healthcare provider can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment for the specific individual.