Which is the closest synonym for the word extinct?


The closest synonym for the word "extinct" would be "vanished".

To find the closest synonym for the word "extinct," you can start by understanding what the word means. "Extinct" refers to something that no longer exists, usually referring to a species that has completely died out. To find a synonym, you need to look for words that have a similar meaning.

Option A: "sleepy" does not have the same meaning as "extinct." It refers to a state of being tired or in need of sleep, which is unrelated to the concept of no longer existing.

Option B: "disgraced" also does not have the same meaning as "extinct." It refers to a state of being ashamed or having lost honor or respect.

Option C: "vanished" is the closest synonym to "extinct" as it means to have disappeared completely or no longer be present. This closely aligns with the meaning of "extinct."

Option D: "healthy" has the opposite meaning of "extinct." It refers to the state of being in good physical or mental condition, which is the opposite of no longer existing.

Therefore, the closest synonym for the word "extinct" is option C: "vanished."