Which report would best be organized in chronological order? (1 poin

a report that shows how transportation changed over time
O a report about the benefits of exercise
O a report that reviews two films about the same story
a report about the ways to prevent wildfires

a report that shows how transportation changed over time

The report that would best be organized in chronological order is "a report that shows how transportation changed over time."

To organize this report chronologically, you would need to start with the earliest forms of transportation and progress through various time periods, highlighting the changes and advancements in transportation. This could include discussing ancient modes of transport such as walking, animal-drawn vehicles, and boats, then moving on to inventions like the wheel, the steam engine, the automobile, and eventually modern forms of transportation like airplanes and high-speed trains.

By presenting the information in this order, you provide a clear and logical progression of how transportation has evolved over time, allowing readers to better understand the historical context and development of different modes of transport.

The report that would best be organized in chronological order is "a report that shows how transportation changed over time". Chronological order means organizing information in the order it occurred, and in this case, it would involve presenting the different stages or developments in transportation in a time-based sequence.