The platypus is an Australian mammal that is not easily classified. It is one of the only two mammals, the others being the Echidna that bears young by laying eggs. The platypus has a tail like beavers and furry bodies similar to an otters. Its unusual hybrid of body parts, makes it well-suited for its largely aquatic life. The platypus uses its web feet to paddle to water, and its tail serves as a kind of Rutter for steering. Well, Ithat bears young by laying eggs. The platypus has a tail like beavers and furry bodies similar to an otters. It’s unusual hybrid of body parts, makes it well-suited for its largely aquatic life. The platypus uses its web feet to paddle to water, and its tail serves as a kind of Rutter for steering. Well, underwater, the platypus uses its build a scoop up. It’s a food, such as in sex and selfish, from the waters bottom. The platypus also scoops up bits of gravel, which grind up the food as the platypus is toothless. The platypus stores the food and gravel in his cheeks until it reaches the water service. What’s platypus surfaces, it consumes its meal.

Which sentence describes the main idea?

1. The platypus a mammal with manicurist, six that make it unique.
2. The platypus has features similar to an otter and a beaver.
3. The platypus lives in Australia.
4. The platypus uses an interesting method to consume its meals.

4. The platypus uses an interesting method to consume its meals.

The sentence that describes the main idea is: 4. The platypus uses an interesting method to consume its meals.

To determine which sentence describes the main idea, we can analyze each sentence and see which one provides the overall central theme of the passage.

1. The sentence mentions the unique features of the platypus but does not provide a central idea that encompasses the entire passage.

2. This sentence describes the physical characteristics of the platypus, focusing on its resemblance to an otter and a beaver.

3. This sentence states the geographical location where the platypus is found but does not capture the main idea of the passage.

4. The sentence discusses an interesting method that the platypus uses to consume its meals.

Based on the analysis, sentence 4, "The platypus uses an interesting method to consume its meals," best describes the main idea of the passage as it focuses on the unique feeding behavior of the platypus.