Ashley is taking a road trip to visit her friend. She drives 87.5 miles before taking a break for lunch. After lunch, she finishes the trip without stopping again. The total distance to her friend's house is 200 miles.

How far did Ashley drive after lunch?


112.5 miles
112.5 miles

113.5 miles
113.5 miles

123.5 miles

The correct answer is 112.5 miles.

To find out how far Ashley drove after lunch, we need to subtract the distance she drove before taking a break for lunch from the total distance to her friend's house.

Total distance - Distance before lunch = Distance after lunch

200 miles - 87.5 miles = 112.5 miles

Therefore, Ashley drove 112.5 miles after lunch.

To find out how far Ashley drove after lunch, we can subtract the distance she drove before lunch from the total distance of the trip.

Given that Ashley drove 87.5 miles before taking a break for lunch and the total distance to her friend's house is 200 miles, we can use subtraction to find the distance she drove after lunch.

So, the calculation would be:
Total distance - Distance before lunch = Distance after lunch
200 miles - 87.5 miles = 112.5 miles

Therefore, Ashley drove 112.5 miles after lunch.