Liam decided to make a New year’s goal to read more books one year later he has read a total of 36 books what is the unit rate of book per month that he read

To find the unit rate of books per month, divide the total number of books read (36) by 12 months:

36 books / 12 months = 3 books per month

The unit rate of books per month that Liam read is 3 books.

To find the unit rate of books per month that Liam read, we need to divide the total number of books he read (36) by the number of months (12) in one year.

So, the unit rate of books per month that Liam read is:

36 books / 12 months = 3 books per month

Therefore, Liam read an average of 3 books per month.

To find the unit rate of books per month that Liam read, we need to divide the total number of books he read (36) by the number of months (12) in one year.

So, the unit rate of books per month that Liam read would be:

36 books ÷ 12 months = 3 books per month

Therefore, the unit rate is 3 books per month.