Part A This sentence is from the passage.

"For one blissful moment you will be in thrall to the most deliciously engineered material on earth."
(Paragraph 1)
Which meaning of the word engineered is best suggested within the context of the passage?

1. assembled
2. manufactured
3. obtained
4. organized

2. manufactured

The meaning of the word "engineered" that is best suggested within the context of the passage is 2. manufactured.

To determine the meaning of the word "engineered" that is best suggested within the context of the passage, we need to analyze the surrounding words and the overall message of the sentence.

In this sentence, the author describes the material as being "deliciously engineered." The phrase "deliciously engineered" implies that the material has been purposely designed or created in a way that is satisfying or pleasing.

Of the given options, the meaning of "engineered" that best aligns with this context is 2. "manufactured." "Manufactured" implies that the material has been deliberately produced or created with intention and expertise. This meaning of engineered fits well within the passage as it emphasizes the controlled design or construction of the material, contributing to its appeal.

Therefore, the correct answer is 2. "manufactured."