You just bought a house that has a 30 3030-year mortgage. You want to make sure that if anything were to happen to you, the house would be paid off. Which type of insurance works best for this situation? Choose 1 answer: Choose 1 answer: (Choice A) homeowners insurance A homeowners insurance (Choice B) whole life insurance B whole life insurance (Choice C) term life insurance C term life insurance

C term life insurance

The type of insurance that works best for this situation is (Choice C) term life insurance.

In this situation, the best type of insurance to ensure that your house will be paid off if something were to happen to you is homeowners insurance (Choice A).

To understand why homeowners insurance is the appropriate choice, let's first understand the other options:

1. Whole life insurance (Choice B): Whole life insurance provides coverage for your entire life and builds cash value over time. While it can be used to provide financial protection to your loved ones in case of your death, it is not specifically designed to pay off a mortgage.

2. Term life insurance (Choice C): Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific term, usually 10, 20, or 30 years. It is typically less expensive than whole life insurance but does not build cash value. While it can offer financial protection to your loved ones, it also does not specifically cater to paying off a mortgage.

On the other hand, homeowners insurance (Choice A) is specifically designed to protect your home and its contents from various risks, such as fire, theft, or certain natural disasters. It covers the structure of the house and often provides liability coverage for accidents that may occur on your property. In the event of your death, the proceeds from your homeowners insurance policy can be used to pay off the remaining mortgage balance, ensuring that your house is fully paid for.

To ensure that your homeowners insurance policy adequately covers your mortgage, it's essential to review your policy's specifics and discuss any additional coverage options or riders with your insurance agent. This way, you can customize your policy to meet your specific needs and provide the protection you desire for your home.