The teacher asks Ana to revise her conclusion because it states a new fact instead of summing up her essay. Ana really wants to include the fact. What can she do? (1 point)

• Write a longer conclusion, and start with the new fact.
O Rewrite the paper from scratch
• Add the fact to a body paragraph, then update the conclusion if needed.
• Turn the paper in again with no changes.

Ana can add the fact to a body paragraph and then update the conclusion if needed.

The best option for Ana to address her teacher's feedback is to add the fact to a body paragraph and then update the conclusion if needed. Here's how she can do it:

1. Review her essay: First, she should carefully review her essay and identify the body paragraph where the new fact fits logically. It should be a paragraph that supports her thesis statement and provides relevant evidence or arguments.

2. Incorporate the new fact: Ana should revise the chosen body paragraph by incorporating the new fact. She can do this by seamlessly integrating it into the existing content or by adding a new sentence or two dedicated to presenting the fact. It's important to ensure that the new fact is relevant and supports her argument effectively.

3. Check for coherence: After incorporating the new fact, Ana should read through her essay again to ensure that the flow and coherence of her arguments have not been disrupted. She may need to make additional adjustments or transitions to ensure the new fact fits smoothly within the paragraph and connects well with the surrounding content.

4. Revise the conclusion: Once the new fact is properly integrated into the body paragraphs, Ana should revisit her conclusion. In line with her teacher's feedback, she needs to ensure that the conclusion focuses solely on summarizing the essay's main points, instead of introducing any new information. Ana can revise her conclusion by removing the new fact if it was already mentioned earlier in the essay, or simply reframing her summary without relying on the new fact.

By following these steps, Ana can address her teacher's feedback while still incorporating the desired fact into her essay effectively.

Ana can add the fact to a body paragraph and then update the conclusion if needed. By incorporating the fact into a body paragraph, she can still include the information she wants to share without violating the teacher's request to revise the conclusion. After adding the fact to a body paragraph, Ana can review her conclusion to ensure that it summarizes the main points of her essay, rather than introducing new information. This approach allows her to address the teacher's concern while still including the desired fact in her essay.