. Looking at the Position-Time Graph (Blue Graph), the slope of the lines on each graph is steeper when the man is moved quickly compared to when he is moved slowly. This means that the man covers a larger distance in a shorter amount of time when he is moved quickly, resulting in a steeper slope. Conversely, when he is moved slowly, the distance covered is smaller in the same amount of time, resulting in a shallower slope.

The statement is correct. When the man is moved quickly, the lines on the Position-Time Graph will have a steeper slope because he is covering a larger distance in a shorter amount of time. In contrast, when the man is moved slowly, the lines will have a shallower slope because he is covering a smaller distance in the same amount of time. The slope of a line on a Position-Time Graph represents the speed or velocity of an object, so a steeper slope indicates a higher velocity.

That's correct! The slope of a position-time graph represents the velocity of an object. When the slope is steeper, it means that the object is moving with a higher velocity or speed. This is because the distance covered by the object in a given time interval is larger when it is moved quickly, resulting in a steeper slope. Conversely, when the object is moved slowly, the distance covered is smaller in the same amount of time, resulting in a shallower slope. So, the steeper the slope of the position-time graph, the faster the object is moving.

Correct! The slope of a position-time graph tells us the rate at which an object is changing its position over time. To calculate the slope, we can use the formula:

slope = Δy / Δx

where Δy represents the change in the y-coordinate (position) and Δx represents the change in the x-coordinate (time).

In the case of a position-time graph, the y-coordinate represents the position of the object (in this case, the man) and the x-coordinate represents the time.

When the man is moved quickly, the position of the man changes more in the same amount of time compared to when he is moved slowly. This means that the change in position, Δy, is larger when he is moved quickly, leading to a steeper slope.

Conversely, when the man is moved slowly, the change in position, Δy, is smaller in the same amount of time, resulting in a shallower slope.

So, the steeper slope indicates that the man is covering a larger distance in a shorter amount of time when he is moved quickly, whereas the shallower slope indicates a smaller distance covered in the same amount of time when he is moved slowly.