How did the Industrial Revolution contribute to global climate change?(1 point)


It led to the release of chemicals that destroyed the ozone layer.
It led to the release of chemicals that destroyed the ozone layer.

It led to an increased use of coal, oil, and other fossil fuels.
It led to an increased use of coal, oil, and other fossil fuels.

It led to the development of nonrenewable sources of energy.
It led to the development of nonrenewable sources of energy.

It led to an increased use of alternative fuels other than fossil fuels.

None of the provided responses accurately explain how the Industrial Revolution contributed to global climate change. The correct answer is:

It led to an increased use of coal, oil, and other fossil fuels. The burning of these fossil fuels released significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, leading to the greenhouse effect and contributing to global climate change.

The correct answer is: It led to an increased use of coal, oil, and other fossil fuels.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the connection between the Industrial Revolution and global climate change. The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the 18th to the 19th century, marked a major shift in manufacturing, transportation, and technology. It brought about advancements such as mechanization, steam power, and the mass production of goods.

One significant consequence of the Industrial Revolution was the increase in the use of coal, oil, and other fossil fuels. These fuels became the primary sources of energy for industries, transportation, and households. While fossil fuels provided immense benefits in terms of powering economic growth and development, they also release carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases when burned.

Greenhouse gases, such as CO2, trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. The increased burning of fossil fuels during the Industrial Revolution significantly contributed to the rise in greenhouse gas emissions, which in turn has led to global climate change. These emissions have caused an increase in the Earth's average temperature, known as global warming, with serious consequences for our planet, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and changes in ecosystems.

Therefore, the increased use of coal, oil, and other fossil fuels during the Industrial Revolution is a major factor that contributed to global climate change.

The correct response is: It led to an increased use of coal, oil, and other fossil fuels.