Use the table to answer the question.

Baseball Soccer Football
Girls 31 62 51
Boys 57 54 71
A survey was given to girls and boys that asked them to pick their favorite sport from a list of baseball, soccer, and football. The results are shown in the table. How many girls picked a sport other than football as their favorite sport?

(1 point)





To find out how many girls picked a sport other than football, we need to add up the number of girls who picked baseball and soccer, because those are the other two sports listed.

31 girls picked baseball and 62 girls picked soccer.

31 + 62 = 93

Therefore, 93 girls picked a sport other than football as their favorite sport.

So the correct answer is 93

To find out how many girls picked a sport other than football as their favorite sport, we need to subtract the number of girls who picked football from the total number of girls.

From the table, we can see that 51 girls picked football as their favorite sport.

So, to find the number of girls who picked a sport other than football, we subtract 51 from the total number of girls:

Total number of girls = 31 + 62 + 51 = 144 girls

Number of girls who picked a sport other than football = Total number of girls - Number of girls who picked football

Number of girls who picked a sport other than football = 144 - 51 = 93

Therefore, 93 girls picked a sport other than football as their favorite sport.

To answer the question, we need to look at the number of girls who picked a sport other than football as their favorite. To do that, we can find the value in the table under the "Girls" row and the column corresponding to the sport. In this case, we need to look at the number in the "Baseball" and "Soccer" columns and add them together.

From the table given:

- The number of girls who picked baseball as their favorite sport is 31.
- The number of girls who picked soccer as their favorite sport is 62.

To find the number of girls who picked a sport other than football, we add the two values together:

31 (girls who picked baseball) + 62 (girls who picked soccer) = 93

So, the number of girls who picked a sport other than football as their favorite sport is 93.