The_________Other story describes events that take place as well as the conflict or problem that must be resolved.

1. Characters.
2. Setting.
3. Plot.
4. Time line.

3. Plot.

The correct answer is option 3: Plot. The plot of a story refers to the sequence of events that take place, including the conflict or problem that the characters face and must resolve. To determine this, you can analyze the story's structure and identify the key events and developments that occur throughout the narrative.

To find the answer, you can read or review the story in question. Look for the main events and conflicts that unfold within the story. These events will typically depict the problem or conflict that the characters must face and overcome. Additionally, pay attention to how the story progresses and how these events are connected. This will give you a clear understanding of the plot and what needs to be resolved.

In this specific case, the other options can also be eliminated:

1. Characters: While characters are essential elements of a story, they are not specifically focused on describing events or conflicts that need resolution.
2. Setting: The setting refers to the time and place where the story takes place. Although it provides context, it does not inherently describe the events or conflict.
4. Time line: A time line may aid in organizing the events of a story, but it does not describe the conflict or problem that needs resolution.

Hence, the correct choice is option 3: Plot.

The correct answer is:

3. Plot.