There are 700 students at Bowman High School. The students come from Wylie Middle School, Parker Middle School, and Richardson Middle School. Of the 28 students in Mr. Henry's gym class, 4 are from Richardson Middle School.

Based on this information, what is the best prediction for the number of students at Bowman High School that come from Richardson Middle School?

To find the best prediction for the number of students at Bowman High School that come from Richardson Middle School, we can use proportionality.

We know that there are 700 students in total at Bowman High School. Let's assume that the distribution of students from the three middle schools is proportional to the total number of students.

Out of the 28 students in Mr. Henry's gym class, 4 are from Richardson Middle School. We can set up a proportion to find the number of Richardson Middle School students at Bowman High School:

(4 students from Richardson Middle School) / (28 students in total) = (x students from Richardson Middle School) / (700 students in total)

Cross-multiplying, we get:

4 * 700 = 28 * x

2800 = 28x

Dividing both sides by 28, we find:

x = 100

Therefore, the best prediction for the number of students at Bowman High School that come from Richardson Middle School is 100.

To make the best prediction for the number of students at Bowman High School that come from Richardson Middle School, we can use the proportion of students in Mr. Henry's gym class who are from Richardson Middle School.

First, we need to find the proportion of Richardson Middle School students in Mr. Henry's gym class:

Proportion = Number of Richardson Middle School students / Total number of students in Mr. Henry's gym class

We know that there are 28 students in Mr. Henry's gym class and 4 of them are from Richardson Middle School. So the proportion of Richardson Middle School students in Mr. Henry's gym class is:

Proportion = 4 / 28

To find the prediction for the number of Richardson Middle School students at Bowman High School, we can multiply the proportion we just found by the total number of students at Bowman High School:

Prediction = Proportion * Total number of students at Bowman High School

We are given that there are 700 students at Bowman High School, so the prediction for the number of students at Bowman High School that come from Richardson Middle School is:

Prediction = (4 / 28) * 700

Now we can calculate the prediction:

Prediction = (4 / 28) * 700 = 100

Therefore, the best prediction for the number of students at Bowman High School that come from Richardson Middle School is 100.

To find the best prediction for the number of students at Bowman High School that come from Richardson Middle School, we need to set up a proportion based on the given information:

28 students in Mr. Henry's gym class represent 4 students from Richardson Middle School.

Let's set up the proportion:

28 (Mr. Henry's gym class) / 4 (students from Richardson Middle School) = 700 (total students at Bowman High School) / x (students from Richardson Middle School)

Cross multiplying, we get:

28x = 700 * 4


28x = 2800

Dividing by 28 on both sides:

x = 2800 / 28


x = 100

Therefore, based on the given information, the best prediction for the number of students at Bowman High School that come from Richardson Middle School is 100.