Which of the following transition words signals cause-and-effect.

a finally
b first
c a a result
d however

c as a result

The transition word that signals cause-and-effect is "as a result."

To determine the correct answer, you can study the meaning and usage of each transition word:

a) "finally" is used to indicate the last in a series of events.

b) "first" is used to indicate the beginning or initial step in a series of events.

c) "as a result" is used to show the cause-and-effect relationship between two events. It connects an action, event, or condition to the consequence it produces.

d) "however" is used to present a contrast or indicate a contradictory idea.

Therefore, the correct answer is "c) as a result" as it specifically expresses a cause-and-effect relationship.

The correct answer is "c a result."