2 days Quinsha ecercises 50 minutes at this rate how many minutes does she exercises in4 weeks

To calculate the total number of minutes Quinsha exercises in 4 weeks, we need to first find out how many minutes she exercises in one day, and then multiply that by the number of days in 4 weeks.

Since Quinsha exercises 50 minutes in 2 days, we can find out how many minutes she exercises in one day by dividing 50 by 2:
50 minutes / 2 days = 25 minutes/day

Now, we need to multiply that number by the number of days in 4 weeks. There are 7 days in a week, so 4 weeks would be 4 * 7 = <<4*7=28>>28 days.

Therefore, Quinsha exercises 25 minutes/day * 28 days = <<25*28=700>>700 minutes in 4 weeks. Answer: \boxed{700}.

To find out how many minutes Quinsha exercises in 4 weeks, we need to calculate the total number of minutes she exercises in 2 days and then multiply it by the number of sets of 2 days in 4 weeks.

First, let's calculate the total number of minutes Quinsha exercises in 2 days:

Quinsha exercises 50 minutes per day for 2 days, so the total exercise time in 2 days is:

50 minutes/day x 2 days = 100 minutes

Now, let's calculate the number of sets of 2 days in 4 weeks:

Since there are 7 days in 1 week, the number of sets of 2 days in 4 weeks is:

(4 weeks x 7 days/week) / 2 days/set = 14 sets of 2 days

Finally, we can calculate the total number of minutes Quinsha exercises in 4 weeks by multiplying the total exercise time in 2 days by the number of sets of 2 days in 4 weeks:

Total exercise time in 4 weeks = Total exercise time in 2 days x Number of sets of 2 days in 4 weeks
= 100 minutes x 14 sets of 2 days
= 1400 minutes

Therefore, Quinsha exercises 1400 minutes in 4 weeks.

To find out how many minutes Quinsha exercises in 4 weeks, we first need to calculate the total number of minutes she exercises in 2 days.

Given that Quinsha exercises for 50 minutes each day, the total number of minutes she exercises in 2 days is:

2 days * 50 minutes/day = 100 minutes

Now, let's calculate how many minutes she exercises in 4 weeks.

There are 7 days in one week, so the total number of days in 4 weeks is:

4 weeks * 7 days/week = 28 days

Since Quinsha exercises 100 minutes in 2 days, we can multiply this by the number of times she exercises in 28 days:

100 minutes/2 days * 28 days = 1400 minutes

Therefore, Quinsha exercises for 1400 minutes in 4 weeks.