A painting shows a city's bridge with citizens filling the street.

Pont Neuf, Paris
by Auguste Renoir

Courtesy National Gallery of Art,

What did the artist most likely do to create this piece of art?
(1 point)

had no prior knowledge of perspective
had no prior knowledge of perspective

investigated the scenery before painting it
investigated the scenery before painting it

chose the colors that were pleasing rather than accurate
chose the colors that were pleasing rather than accurate

omitted the use of proportion to keep the image interesting
omitted the use of proportion to keep the image interesting

- investigated the scenery before painting it

To determine what the artist most likely did to create this piece of art, we can analyze the options given and consider the process of creating a painting.

1. Had no prior knowledge of perspective: It is unlikely that the artist had no prior knowledge of perspective, as understanding and applying perspective is essential in creating realistic depictions of scenes. Perspective is the technique artists use to create the illusion of depth and three-dimensionality on a two-dimensional surface.

2. Investigated the scenery before painting it: This is a plausible option. Artists often study their subjects and gather reference materials before embarking on a painting. This can involve sketching on-location, taking photographs, or making preliminary drawings to gain a better understanding of the scene's composition, details, and lighting.

3. Chose the colors that were pleasing rather than accurate: Artists often make decisions about color based on their artistic vision and personal preferences. While this may involve selecting colors that are aesthetically pleasing, it does not necessarily mean that accuracy is sacrificed. Many artists aim to capture the essence or mood of a subject while maintaining some level of fidelity to reality.

4. Omitted the use of proportion to keep the image interesting: Proportion is a fundamental principle of visual art that relates to the size, scale, and relative measurements of elements within a composition. It is unlikely that the artist purposely omitted the use of proportion as maintaining proportion is generally important in creating harmonious and believable artworks.

Considering these options, the most likely choice would be: investigated the scenery before painting it.
By studying the scenery beforehand, the artist would have been able to observe and analyze the bridge, citizens, and overall composition, which would have helped inform their artistic choices and accurately depict the subject in the painting.

Based on the information provided, the artist most likely investigated the scenery before painting it.