A passenger is riding a Ferris wheel. The graph shows the height, in feet, of the passenger as a function of time.

Move values to the boxes to create a function, h(t), that models the height, in feet, of the passenger after 1 minutes on the Ferris wheel.

To determine the function h(t) that models the height of the passenger after 1 minute on the Ferris wheel, we need the values from the graph. However, the graph is not provided, so we cannot directly provide a specific function.

If you have access to the graph, you can follow these steps to create the function:

1. Identify the point on the graph that represents the height of the passenger after 1 minute on the Ferris wheel.
2. Record the height value at that point.
3. Write the function h(t) with "t" representing time, and substitute the value you recorded from the graph into the function.
For example, if the height after 1 minute is 50 feet, the function can be h(t) = 50.

Without the given graph, it's not possible to provide a specific function. However, if you have further details or a different scenario, I can still assist you with creating the appropriate function.

Unfortunately, the graph that you mentioned is missing. Without the graph, it is not possible to determine the height of the passenger after 1 minute on the Ferris wheel. Could you provide more information or include the graph?

To create a function, h(t), that models the height of the passenger after 1 minute on the Ferris wheel, we need to find the height value corresponding to 1 minute on the graph.

Unfortunately, I cannot see the graph you are referring to as I am a text-based AI. If you could provide me with the specific height value for 1 minute, I can help you create the function.