What is one common detail in the lives of the Spanish musicians Falla, Ponce, and Lecuona?

(1 point)

They each wrote the same number of ballets.
They each wrote the same number of ballets.

They each played professionally by age 5.
They each played professionally by age 5.

They each lived in Spain for a period of time.
They each lived in Spain for a period of time.

They each received their first musical training from a family member.
They each received their first musical training from a family member.

They each received their first musical training from a family member.

The common detail in the lives of the Spanish musicians Falla, Ponce, and Lecuona is that they each received their first musical training from a family member.

To answer this question, we need to look at the common detail in the lives of the Spanish musicians Falla, Ponce, and Lecuona. One possible way to find the answer is to conduct research on their individual lives and careers. By studying reliable sources such as biographies, music history books, or reputable websites, we can gather information about each musician and look for any commonalities in their background or experiences.

In this case, if we investigate the lives of Falla, Ponce, and Lecuona, we would discover that they each received their first musical training from a family member. This detail is shared among these three musicians, indicating a common thread in their early musical education.

Therefore, the correct response to the question is: "They each received their first musical training from a family member."