What type of government does the modern country of Japan have?(1 point)


communist autocracy
communist autocracy

presidential democracy
presidential democracy


parliamentary democracy

parliamentary democracy

The modern country of Japan has a parliamentary democracy.

The modern country of Japan has a parliamentary democracy as its type of government. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Conduct an internet search: You can start by searching for "type of government in Japan" or "government system in Japan" on a search engine like Google. This will direct you to various sources where you can find reliable information.

2. Visit official government websites: Another reliable source is the official websites of the Japanese government. These websites often have sections that provide information on the country's political system and type of government.

3. Consult reputable encyclopedias or reference books: Encyclopedias and reference books, both online and offline, can provide you with detailed information on the government systems of different countries, including Japan.

By using these methods, you can gather information from credible sources and verify that Japan has a parliamentary democracy as its form of government.