When baking a cake, why are cake pans made out of metal?

Metal conducts heat very well.

Metal makes the cake taste better.

Another material would melt in the oven.

Another material would be too heavy to use.


Metal conducts heat very well.


Metal conducts heat very well.

The correct answer is A) Metal conducts heat very well. Cake pans are typically made out of metal because it allows the heat to evenly distribute throughout the pan, leading to even baking and consistent results. Metal conducts heat much better than other materials, such as glass or ceramic. This helps in achieving a cake that is properly baked, with a golden crust and soft interior. Other materials may not distribute heat as efficiently, resulting in uneven baking or a cake that could be overdone on the edges but underdone in the center. So, using metal pans is a common choice to ensure the cake bakes evenly.