Which antecedent agrees with the pronoun in this sentence? Select the correct answer from the list.(1 point)

The Smiths
Avery and Michelle
is best known for her oatmeal cookies.


The correct answer is "Martha."

To determine which antecedent agrees with the pronoun in the sentence, we need to identify the pronoun being used. In this case, the pronoun is "her."

The pronoun "her" indicates that the antecedent should be a female. Let's look at the options provided:

- Martha: Since Martha is a female name, it could be a suitable antecedent.

- The Smiths: "The Smiths" is a plural noun, so it does not match the singular pronoun "her."

- Jim: Since Jim is a male name, it does not match the feminine pronoun "her."

- Avery and Michelle: Although both Avery and Michelle are female names, they are connected by the conjunction "and," which makes them a plural subject. Therefore, it does not match the singular pronoun "her."

Based on this analysis, the correct answer would be Martha, as it is the only antecedent that matches the gender of the pronoun.