Students identify "half the actors forgot their lines, and the cardboard set of a castle fell off the princess's head" as a context clue for catastrophe. What type of context clue is this?



The type of context clue in the given scenario is an example.

The type of context clue in this sentence is an example.

To identify the type of context clue, we can look at the information given in the sentence, which is "half the actors forgot their lines, and the cardboard set of a castle fell off the princess's head." This sentence provides an example of a catastrophe by illustrating a disastrous situation during a play where actors forget their lines and a cardboard set falls off.

Using context clues, like examples, helps readers understand the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases by providing supporting details or specific instances where the word is being used. In this case, the example of the disastrous play helps us understand the meaning of the word "catastrophe".