Often biology students learn a lot about functions and purposes of organelles without a real clear connection between what do they actually do for the organism as a whole. Well, let's go over some of the organelles that would have a direct impact on whether or not tissue works properly. One of the ones that you learned about in freshman biology or sophomore was the mitochondrian. The mitochondria is often called the powerhouse of the cell. But what does that mean? What it means is it takes sugars, fats and other fuels and directly breaks those bonds to make ATP, and ATP is like the gasoline of the body. If you don't have ATP, you collapse and you don't run. Well, organs such as the heart have to have a constant supply of ATP. Therefore, it stands to reason that the muscle fibers in this are loaded with mitochondria. Let's look at another organelle that you have to have in abundance in tissues. Take the stomach or intestine or liver or other digestive organs. Those make a multitude of enzymes, so the endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes have to be very abundant there because they're constantly making proteins used in the digestion of food and they have to export those proteins. And likewise, there's gonna be a lot of Golgi apparatus which is used for export in vesicles. Now let's look at a plant. Plants such as this pine tree, obviously they're green, so everything here is loaded with chloroplast, but what else? Plants don't stay upright without a large central vacuole to push the water out. Without vacuoles, plants don't stand upright and they don't survive. And likewise, down in the roots or the stems, vacuoles store starch. So, that's just a few of the critical organelles that keep life running.

Question 1
The __________ is called the powerhouse of the cell; this is where ATP is produced.
A nucleusnucleus
B vacuolevacuole
C mitochondriamitochondria
Question 2
In a human, ____ tissue is the one tissue that would contain a high number of mitochondria.
A epidermalepidermal
B musclemuscle
C bonebone
Question 3
This central organelle in plant cells helps to keep the plant cell turgid: ____ ____ ____.
A large central vacuolelarge central vacuole
B two part chloroplasttwo part chloroplast
C strong cell wall

Please answer all 3 questions correctly

Question 1: C) mitochondria

Question 2: B) muscle

Question 3: A) large central vacuole

Question 1: The mitochondria is called the powerhouse of the cell; this is where ATP is produced.

Correct answer: C) mitochondria

Question 2: In a human, muscle tissue is the one tissue that would contain a high number of mitochondria.

Correct answer: B) muscle

Question 3: This central organelle in plant cells helps to keep the plant cell turgid: large central vacuole.

Correct answer: A) large central vacuole

Question 1:

The mitochondria is called the powerhouse of the cell; this is where ATP is produced.
Answer: C) mitochondria

Question 2:
In a human, muscle tissue is the one tissue that would contain a high number of mitochondria.
Answer: B) muscle

Question 3:
This central organelle in plant cells helps to keep the plant cell turgid: large central vacuole.
Answer: A) large central vacuole