Stan owns 45

of an acre of land. Of that, 23
of the land is fenced. How many acres of land is fenced?

To find the number of acres of land that is fenced, we need to multiply the total acreage by the fraction that is fenced.

Number of acres of land that is fenced = 45 acres * 23/100 = <<45*23/100=10.35>>10.35 acres.

Therefore, there are 10.35 acres of land that is fenced.

To find the number of acres of land that is fenced, you need to calculate 23% of 45 acres.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
23% = 23/100 = 0.23

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the total number of acres.
0.23 x 45 acres = 10.35 acres

Therefore, 10.35 acres of land is fenced.

To find out how many acres of land are fenced, we have to calculate a fraction of the total land owned by Stan.

Step 1: Determine the fraction of land that is fenced.
Given that Stan owns 45% of an acre of land, we can write this as a fraction: 45/100.

Step 2: Calculate the number of acres of fenced land.
Multiply the fraction (45/100) by the total land owned by Stan (45 of an acre):
45/100 * 45 = 20.25.

Therefore, 20.25 acres of land are fenced.