Suppose contact lenses cost 300 for a years supply ot 30 a month supply which is less expensive to order per year for 12 months at one time or paying 1 month at a tme

To determine which option is less expensive, let's compare the total cost of ordering contact lenses per year for each scenario:

1. Ordering a year's supply at one time: The cost is $300.

2. Paying 1 month at a time: The cost per month is $30. So the total cost for 12 months will be $30 x 12 = $360.

Comparing the two scenarios, we can see that ordering a year's supply at one time for $300 is less expensive than paying for 1 month at a time which amounts to $360 for the year.

To determine which option is less expensive, let's compare the total costs for ordering contact lenses for a year in two scenarios: ordering a year's supply at once and paying for one month at a time.

Option 1: Ordering a Year's Supply at Once
The cost of a year's supply is $300.
Therefore, ordering contact lenses for a year at once would cost $300.

Option 2: Paying for One Month at a Time
The cost for a month's supply is $30.
Since there are 12 months in a year, the total cost for 12 months at $30 per month would be 12 x $30 = $360.

Comparing the total costs:
- Option 1: Ordering a year's supply at once for $300.
- Option 2: Paying for one month at a time for a total cost of $360.

In this case, ordering a year's supply at once is less expensive, as it costs $300 compared to the total cost of $360 when paying for one month at a time.

To calculate which option is less expensive, you need to compare the total cost of ordering contact lenses for a year in both scenarios.

1. Ordering a year's supply at once:
The cost of ordering a year's supply of contact lenses is $300.
Total cost for a year = $300

2. Paying for a month's supply at a time:
The cost of a month's supply of contact lenses is $30.
Total cost for 12 months = 12 x $30 = $360

From the calculations, you can see that ordering a year's supply at once is less expensive than paying on a monthly basis.