Kino does not want to take the chance that

his brother might steal the pearl from him.
the doctor may not really be a licensed doctor.
his own ignorance might lead to the wrong choice.


his wife might insist on selling the pearl immediately.
the pearl buyers might try to cheat him.

Kino does not want to take the chance that:

a. His brother might steal the pearl from him.

b. The doctor may not really be a licensed doctor.

c. His own ignorance might lead to the wrong choice.

To determine Kino's reason for not wanting to take a chance, we can analyze the given options:

a) His brother might steal the pearl from him.
b) The doctor may not really be a licensed doctor.
c) His own ignorance might lead to the wrong choice.

In order to understand Kino's perspective, we need to refer to the context of the situation. In John Steinbeck's novel "The Pearl," Kino finds a valuable pearl but faces various challenges and conflicts.

For option a) His brother might steal the pearl from him: To uncover Kino's fear about his brother stealing the pearl, we can refer to the narrative. Kino's brother, Juan Tomás, expresses concerns about the potential danger and envy the pearl may bring. Kino might not want to take a chance because he fears that his brother might become a threat due to the newfound wealth.

For option b) The doctor may not really be a licensed doctor: In the story, Kino's son Coyotito is bitten by a scorpion, and Kino seeks medical assistance for him. However, the doctor who attends to Coyotito has a history of exploiting the poor and providing substandard treatment. As a result, Kino might not want to risk seeing the doctor, fearing that he might not be a genuine and qualified medical professional.

Lastly, for option c) His own ignorance might lead to the wrong choice: Kino is a simple pearl diver who has limited knowledge and experience with wealth. This option suggests that Kino is aware of his own lack of understanding and fears making wrong decisions with regards to the pearl. He may worry that his ignorance may lead him to mishandle or mismanage the newfound wealth, resulting in unfavorable consequences.

By examining the context of the novel, we can conclude that out of the given options, Kino's concern most likely revolves around his own ignorance potentially leading to the wrong choice. However, it is important to note that all three options play a significant role in Kino's decision-making process and add to the overall conflict in the story.