Analyze the chart. Which statement best describes a comparison between East Asian economic systems?

China's ecomomy is purely market based and Japan's economy is purely command.

China's economy is purely command, and Japan's is purely market.

Taiwan's economy is less market based than that of North Korea

North Korea has a more purely command economic system than China.

It is not possible to determine whether China's economy is purely market-based and Japan's economy is purely command-based based on the provided information. Similarly, the chart does not provide any information regarding the comparison between Taiwan's and North Korea's economic systems. Therefore, none of the statements accurately describe a comparison between East Asian economic systems according to the given chart information.

The correct statement that best describes a comparison between East Asian economic systems is: China's economy is purely command, and Japan's is purely market.

To analyze the chart and determine the best statement that describes a comparison between East Asian economic systems, you should focus on comparing the countries mentioned (China, Japan, Taiwan, and North Korea) and the aspects of their economic systems (whether they are market-based or command-based).

First, let's go through each statement one by one:

1. "China's economy is purely market-based, and Japan's economy is purely command." - This statement labels both China and Japan as having purely market-based or purely command-based economies. However, it does not provide any information about Taiwan or North Korea.

2. "China's economy is purely command, and Japan's is purely market." - Similar to the first statement, this one quantifies China and Japan's economies but does not mention Taiwan or North Korea.

3. "Taiwan's economy is less market-based than that of North Korea." - This statement compares Taiwan's economy to North Korea's, indicating that Taiwan's economy is less market-based than North Korea's. However, it does not provide any information about China or Japan.

4. "North Korea has a more purely command economic system than China." - This statement compares North Korea's economic system to China's, indicating that North Korea has a more purely command-based economic system than China. It does not mention Taiwan or Japan.

Based on the options provided, the statement that offers the most context and comparison between East Asian economic systems is option 4: "North Korea has a more purely command economic system than China." This statement compares North Korea's more command-based system to China's system without mentioning the economies of Taiwan or Japan.