Proportions & Scale Factors Quick Check

5 of 55 of 5 Items

Use the image to answer the question.

A grid is shown with a rectangle drawn on it. The rectangle is 10 units long and 2 units wide, labeled with 10 and 2 respectively.

Scale factor: 1 box = 6 inches

Maisie needs to convert this scale drawing from a scale factor of 1 box = 6 inches to a scale factor of 1 box = 12 inches. The length in the scale drawing shown is 10 boxes. What will be the length of the boxes in the new drawing?

(1 point)





Proportions & Scale Factors Quick Check Answers

ur fav math hater is at it again <3
1. 1/6
2. 2
3. height if 4 with a width of 12
4. width is 4 with a height of 3
5. 5

good news ya'll, i finally finished my spanish lesson and duolingo let my family out of the basement ✨


hope this helps!

-Sad-girl :)

(ya'll know the drill, i'll copy and paste this to a few other places so more of you lovely people can see it <3)

To solve this question, we need to understand the concept of scale factors and how they affect the dimensions of a drawing.

1. The original scale factor given is 1 box = 6 inches. This means that for every 1 box on the drawing, it represents a length of 6 inches in real life.

2. The task is to convert the scale drawing to a new scale factor, where 1 box represents 12 inches.

3. To find the length of the boxes in the new drawing, we need to determine the new length in real life represented by the 10 boxes.

4. Since the original scale factor is 1 box = 6 inches, 10 boxes would represent a length of 10 x 6 = 60 inches in real life.

5. Now, with the new scale factor of 1 box = 12 inches, we need to find out how many boxes will be equivalent to 60 inches.

6. Since 1 box represents 12 inches in the new scale factor, we can divide 60 inches by 12 inches/box to find the new length in boxes.

7. 60 inches / 12 inches/box = 5 boxes.

Therefore, the length of the boxes in the new drawing will be 5. So the correct response is "5".


The length of the boxes in the new drawing will be 20 inches.

To convert the scale drawing from a scale factor of 1 box = 6 inches to a scale factor of 1 box = 12 inches, we can multiply the length in the original drawing by the ratio of the new scale factor to the old scale factor.

The new scale factor is 1 box = 12 inches and the old scale factor is 1 box = 6 inches.

So the ratio of the new scale factor to the old scale factor is 12 inches / 6 inches = 2.

To find the length of the boxes in the new drawing, we can multiply the length in the original drawing by this ratio.

The length in the original drawing is 10 boxes.

So the length of the boxes in the new drawing is 10 boxes * 2 = 20.

Therefore, the correct answer is 20.