To refuse to use or buy something as a protest is known as(1 point) Responses Militia Militia Natural law Natural law Boycott Boycott Repeal Repeal

To refuse to use or buy something as a protest is known as a boycott.

The correct answer is "Boycott."

To find the answer to this question, we can break down the options provided and understand their definitions.

1. Militia: A militia refers to a group of citizens who are not part of the regular armed forces but are trained for military duties in times of emergency.
2. Natural law: Natural law is a theory that suggests laws are derived from a higher moral order or a set of inherent principles governing human behavior.
3. Boycott: A boycott is a form of protest where individuals or a group of people refuse to use or buy a particular product, service, or participate in an event as a means of expressing their disapproval or influencing change.
4. Repeal: Repeal refers to the act of revoking or abolishing an existing law or regulation.

Based on these definitions, the correct answer to the question is "Boycott," which means refusing to use or buy something as a mode of protest or expression of dissatisfaction.