Which sentence best describes how block-based code works? (1 point)

Block-based code works by dragging and dropping blocks of code to create instructions.

To determine which sentence best describes how block-based code works, we first need to understand what block-based code is. Block-based code is a programming approach that uses graphical blocks to represent coding concepts and commands, making it easier for beginners to understand and write code.

The available options describing how block-based code works might include sentences such as:
1) "Block-based code works by dragging and dropping pre-defined blocks of code to build programs."
2) "In block-based code, programs are written by connecting visual blocks that represent coding instructions."
3) "The execution of block-based code follows a sequential flow, with instructions carried out in the order they are connected."
4) "Block-based code utilizes a visual programming interface where each block corresponds to a specific programming concept or function."

To determine the best sentence, we can evaluate the options based on the general concept of block-based code. The first sentence accurately describes the process of dragging and dropping pre-defined blocks of code to build programs. This aligns with the typical workflow in block-based coding environments like Scratch or Blockly.

Therefore, the sentence that best describes how block-based code works is: "Block-based code works by dragging and dropping pre-defined blocks of code to build programs."

Block-based code works by using visual blocks to represent different programming commands or functions. These blocks can be dragged and dropped to create a sequence of instructions, which are then executed in the order they appear. This approach allows beginners to learn and understand programming concepts by visualizing and manipulating the blocks, without needing to write the actual code syntax.