You work for a manufacturing company on a production line that manufactures cell phones. You are paid $20 a day plus $1.50 for each phone that you assemble. Interpret the slope and y -intercept of the equation of the trend line y=1.50x+20 .(1 point)


a The slope means that, for every 1.50 phones assembled, you receive $1. The y-intercept means that you receive $20 a day regardless of the number of phones produced.

b The slope means that, for every 20 phones assembled, you receive $1.50. The y-intercept means that you receive $20 a day regardless of the number of phones produced.

c The slope means that, for every phone assembled, you receive $20. The y-intercept means that you receive $1.50 a day regardless of the number of phones produced.

d The slope means that, for every phone assembled, you receive $1.50. The y-intercept means that you receive $20 a day regardless of the number of phones produced.

d The slope means that, for every phone assembled, you receive $1.50. The y-intercept means that you receive $20 a day regardless of the number of phones produced.

The correct interpretation of the slope and y-intercept of the equation y=1.50x+20 is:

a) The slope means that, for every 1.50 phones assembled, you receive $1. The y-intercept means that you receive $20 a day regardless of the number of phones produced.

The correct interpretation of the slope and y-intercept of the equation y = 1.50x + 20 is:

a) The slope means that, for every 1.50 phones assembled, you receive $1. The y-intercept means that you receive $20 a day regardless of the number of phones produced.

To understand the interpretation, let's break down the equation. In this equation, "x" represents the number of phones assembled, and "y" represents the amount of money you receive.

The slope of 1.50 means that for every increase of 1 phone assembled (represented by x), the amount of money you receive (represented by y) increases by $1.50. This reflects the extra $1.50 you earn for each phone you assemble.

The y-intercept of 20 means that even if you don't assemble any phones, you will still receive $20 per day. This represents the base payment of $20 you receive each day, regardless of the number of phones produced.

So, the correct interpretation is that the slope represents the additional earnings per phone assembled, and the y-intercept represents the fixed daily payment you receive.