Cats are the most domesticated animals in the world. (1 point) Responses True True False



Cats are not the most domesticated animals in the world. Dogs are considered to be the most domesticated animals. Dogs have been bred and selectively chosen for thousands of years for various purposes, including companionship, hunting, and working. Cats, on the other hand, have a more independent nature and are often kept as pets for their ability to control pests. While cats can form close bonds with humans, they have not undergone the extensive domestication process that dogs have.

To verify if cats are indeed the most domesticated animals in the world, we need to gather some information. Domestication refers to the process by which animals are adapted over time to live alongside and be of use to humans.

To determine if cats are the most domesticated animals, we can consider a few factors:

1. History of Domestication: Cats have been living alongside humans for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians. This long history of coexistence with humans suggests a high degree of domestication.

2. Population Size: Cats are one of the most populous domesticated animals in the world, with an estimated population of around 600 million worldwide. This large number reflects their successful adaptation to living with humans.

3. Dependent on Humans: Domesticated animals often rely heavily on humans for their survival. Cats, being dependent on people for food, shelter, and care, fit this criterion.

Based on these considerations, it can be concluded that cats are indeed one of the most domesticated animals in the world. Therefore, the response "True" is correct.