Which of these is NOT true about the First Continental Congress'

O Delegates from Georgia attended
O It was in response to the "intolerable acts'
O Delegates met in Philadelphia
Delegates agreed to boycott all British goods

Delegates from Georgia attended

The statement that is NOT true about the First Continental Congress is: "Delegates from Georgia attended."

To determine which of the options is NOT true about the First Continental Congress, we need to analyze each statement and eliminate the one that does not align with historical facts. Let's go through each option:

1. Delegates from Georgia attended: To verify this statement, we can consult historical records or resources. If it is discovered that delegates from Georgia did attend the First Continental Congress, then this statement is true.

2. It was in response to the "intolerable acts": Again, we can refer to historical sources to determine if this statement is accurate. If it turns out that the First Continental Congress was indeed a response to the "intolerable acts" imposed by the British government, then this statement is true.

3. Delegates met in Philadelphia: This can be confirmed through historical documentation. If it is recorded that the delegates of the First Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia, then this statement is true.

4. Delegates agreed to boycott all British goods: Once more, we can consult historical sources to determine if this statement is correct. If it is confirmed that the delegates of the First Continental Congress did agree to boycott all British goods as a means of protest, then this statement is true.

After considering each statement, we find that the first three are confirmed to be true: delegates from Georgia did attend, the Congress was in response to the "intolerable acts," and the delegates did meet in Philadelphia. Therefore, the statement that is NOT true about the First Continental Congress is: "Delegates agreed to boycott all British goods."