A doctor is examining three patients. Which symptoms do all three patients have in common?


appetite loss

hair loss


tiredness joint pain

memory loss


cold sweats

(1 point)

O headaches, hair loss, congestion)

(cold sweats, congestion, memory loss)

Ispasms, memory loss, appetite loss)

Otever, joint pain, tiredness)

The correct answer is: (cold sweats, congestion, memory loss)

The symptoms that all three patients have in common are headaches, appetite loss, and congestion.

To determine which symptoms all three patients have in common, let's analyze each symptom given:

- Patient 1: headaches, hair loss, congestion
- Patient 2: cold sweats, congestion, memory loss
- Patient 3: fever, joint pain, tiredness

To identify the common symptoms, we can compare the symptoms of each patient:

- Patient 1 and Patient 2 have congestion in common.
- Patient 2 and Patient 3 have memory loss in common.

From the above comparisons, we can conclude that the symptoms all three patients have in common are: congestion and memory loss.

Therefore, the correct answer is (cold sweats, congestion, memory loss).