josiah bought some deli meat that cost 7.99 a pound if he bought 1 3/8 pounds how much did spend? round to the nearest cent

To calculate the cost, multiply the price per pound by the weight purchased.

$7.99 x 1.375 pounds = $10.98725

Rounded to the nearest cent, Josiah spent $10.99.

To calculate how much Josiah spent on deli meat, we can multiply the weight of the meat by the price per pound.

1 3/8 pounds can be written as:
1 + 3/8 = 1.375 pounds

Now, we can multiply the weight (1.375) with the price per pound ($7.99):

1.375 * 7.99 = $10.98875

Rounding to the nearest cent, Josiah spent $10.99 on deli meat.

To calculate how much Josiah spent on deli meat, we need to multiply the cost per pound by the amount of deli meat he bought.

First, let's convert the mixed number 1 3/8 into an improper fraction.

1 3/8 = (8 * 1 + 3) / 8 = 11/8

Now, we can calculate the total cost:

Total cost = Cost per pound * Amount of deli meat
= $7.99 * 11/8

To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together. So, multiplying 7.99 and 11/8:

Total cost = $7.99 * 11/8
= $87.89/8

To round the answer to the nearest cent, we divide the numerator by the denominator:

Total cost = $87.89 ÷ 8
= $10.98625

Rounding this to the nearest cent, we get:

Total cost ≈ $10.99

Therefore, Josiah spent approximately $10.99 on deli meat.