Which Chinese philosophy, later embraced by Japanese warriors for its emphasis on obedience and social harmony, is referenced here?(1 point)







The Chinese philosophy that was later embraced by Japanese warriors for its emphasis on obedience and social harmony is Confucianism.

The Chinese philosophy that was later embraced by Japanese warriors for its emphasis on obedience and social harmony is Confucianism. To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate the other options (Daoism, Legalism, and Shintoism) by understanding their core principles and beliefs.

Daoism, also known as Taoism, is a Chinese philosophy that promotes living in harmony with the Dao (the Way). It emphasizes individualism, spontaneity, and following one's intuition, focusing more on personal spiritual development rather than adherence to social norms and hierarchy.

Legalism, another Chinese philosophy, is characterized by strict adherence to laws and regulations. It focuses on maintaining social order through a centralized government and strict punishment for those who break the rules. This philosophy does not prioritize social harmony or obedience in the same way as Confucianism.

Shintoism, on the other hand, is an indigenous religion in Japan. It focuses on the worship of kami, the divine spirits or forces in nature. While it has influenced Japanese culture and values, it is not the philosophy specifically embraced by Japanese warriors for obedience and social harmony.

Therefore, based on the provided options and their respective principles, we can conclude that Confucianism is the correct answer.