What Number has 3 ten thousands, 1 more thousand than ten thousands, 3 more hundreds than thousands, 3 fewer tens than hundreds, and 3 more ones than tens?

The number that satisfies all the given conditions is 34,231.

Let's break down the information given step by step.

Step 1: The number has 3 ten thousands.
This means the ten thousands digit is 3.

Step 2: The number has 1 more thousand than ten thousands.
Since the ten thousands digit is 3, the thousands digit would be 3+1=4.

Step 3: The number has 3 more hundreds than thousands.
Since the thousands digit is 4, the hundreds digit would be 4+3=7.

Step 4: The number has 3 fewer tens than hundreds.
Since the hundreds digit is 7, the tens digit would be 7-3=4.

Step 5: The number has 3 more ones than tens.
Since the tens digit is 4, the ones digit would be 4+3=7.

Putting it all together, the number is 34,747.

To find the number that satisfies these conditions, we can break down the information given step by step:

1. The number has 3 ten thousands: Since each place value is 10 times greater than the previous one, this means the number has a digit in the hundred thousands place with a value of 3.

2. The number has 1 more thousand than ten thousands: This means the digit in the thousands place is 1 greater than the digit in the ten thousands place.

3. The number has 3 more hundreds than thousands: This means the digit in the hundreds place is 3 greater than the digit in the thousands place.

4. The number has 3 fewer tens than hundreds: This means the digit in the tens place is 3 fewer than the digit in the hundreds place.

5. The number has 3 more ones than tens: This means the digit in the ones place is 3 greater than the digit in the tens place.

Putting these conditions together, we can determine the value of each digit by using logical deductions:

- Since the number has 3 ten thousands, the digit in the hundred thousands place is 3.
- Since the number has 1 more thousand than ten thousands, the digit in the thousands place must be 4.
- Since the number has 3 more hundreds than thousands, the digit in the hundreds place must be 4 + 3 = 7.
- Since the number has 3 fewer tens than hundreds, the digit in the tens place must be 7 - 3 = 4.
- Since the number has 3 more ones than tens, the digit in the ones place must be 4 + 3 = 7.

Therefore, the number that satisfies all these conditions is 37447.