IS this correct?

Freedom of Religion

A group of people gather together in front of City Hall with candles and protest signs

Yes, the sentence "A group of people gather together in front of City Hall with candles and protest signs" is correct. It describes a scene where a group of individuals is assembled in front of City Hall, holding candles and protest signs, likely exercising their right to freedom of religion or expression.

Yes, it is correct. The scenario you described is an example of exercising the freedom of religion. People have the right to gather in public spaces and express their beliefs or protest peacefully, including issues related to religion. However, it is worth noting that freedom of religion also encompasses other aspects such as the right to practice a particular religion or belief system without interference or discrimination.

From the description you provided, it seems that the scenario you mentioned involves an exercise of freedom of assembly and freedom of speech, rather than freedom of religion specifically. Freedom of religion guarantees individuals the right to practice their chosen religion, including the freedom to worship, follow religious practices, and express their beliefs. However, it is important to note that the specific context or message of the protest signs could potentially be related to issues surrounding freedom of religion or any other sensitive topic.