New Jersey/Proprietary/RoyalProprietary- A King gives a person or group of people ownership of the land. Those people then rent out that land to pay the King. The owners act as the government. A colony that is under the DIRECT control of a King.

In the context of New Jersey's colonial history, the term "Proprietary" refers to the period when the territory was granted to specific individuals or groups by the English crown to establish and govern their own colonies. From 1664 to 1702, New Jersey was divided into East Jersey and West Jersey, each owned by separate proprietors.

During this Proprietary period, the landowners were responsible for maintaining law and order within their respective colonies. They could enact laws, establish courts, and collect rents from settlers in order to generate revenue to support their administrations. The Proprietors acted as a form of government, exercising a level of control over their colonies under the ultimate authority of the English monarchy.

However, it is important to note that New Jersey was not a direct colony under the king's control during the Proprietary period. Instead, it was owned by Proprietors who were granted the land by the King, and they acted as the governing authority within their territories. It wasn't until 1702 when New Jersey became a Royal Colony, directly under the control of the British Crown and governed by a royal governor appointed by the king.

The scenario you described seems to be a combination of elements related to land ownership, government structure, and colonial administration. Let's break it down step-by-step:

1. Land Ownership: In this scenario, a King gives ownership of the land to a person or group of people. This means that the King transfers the legal title and rights to the land to these individuals, making them the official owners.

2. Renting Out Land: After gaining ownership of the land, the new owners rent it out to generate income. The purpose of this rental income is to pay the King, as mentioned in your description. This arrangement allows the King to receive financial compensation for granting the initial land ownership.

3. Owner as Government: You mentioned that the landowners act as the government. This means that the owners, as a collective group, take on the responsibilities and functions typically performed by a traditional government. This includes setting and enforcing laws, maintaining public order, providing public services, and so on.

4. Direct Control of a King: The scenario you described indicates that this colony is under the direct control of a King. This means that the King exercises direct authority and power over the colony without an intermediary governing body. The King's decisions and policies directly impact the colony without the involvement of local or regional governing bodies.

To summarize, this scenario involves a King granting ownership of land to individuals or a group, who then rent out the land to generate income to pay the King. These owners also function as the government, assuming the responsibilities and functions of a traditional governing body. The colony is under the direct control of the King, with the King's decisions and policies directly impacting the colony.

New Jersey was initially founded as a proprietary colony, specifically a Royal Proprietary colony. In this type of colony, a King grants ownership of the land to an individual or a group of people, known as proprietors. The proprietors then act as the government of the colony. The key characteristic of a proprietary colony is that the King has direct control over the colony and its governance.

To get a deeper understanding of this concept, it might be helpful to explore the historical context and steps involved:

1. Granting ownership: The King would issue a royal charter, officially granting ownership of the land to the proprietors. This charter outlined the rights, responsibilities, and authority of the proprietors in governing the colony.

2. Independence as the government: Once the proprietors gained ownership, they would establish their own government structure within the colony. This government would be responsible for making and enforcing laws, administering justice, and managing the affairs of the colony on behalf of the King.

3. Renting out the land: One significant characteristic of a proprietary colony is that the proprietors would rent out the land to individuals or settlers within the colony. The revenue generated from these land rents would then be paid to the King as a form of tribute or payment for the granted land.

4. King's control: Despite the owners acting as the government, the King maintained direct control over the colony. The King could intervene in the affairs of the colony, modify or revoke charters, and oversee the actions of the proprietors.

It's important to note that the relationship between the King and the proprietors varied depending on the specific circumstances and agreements. While the concept of a proprietary colony allowed for some local self-governance, the ultimate authority still rested with the King.

By exploring the history and characteristics of New Jersey and its status as a Royal Proprietary colony, you can gain a clearer understanding of the political and governmental dynamics in place at the time.