New Jersey/Proprietary/Royal

There is not enough information provided to answer this question. Could you please provide more context or specific details about what you are referring to? Thank you.

I'm sorry, but it seems like you have entered three different terms: New Jersey, Proprietary, and Royal. Could you please clarify your question or provide more context?

It seems like you have provided a list of terms: New Jersey, Proprietary, and Royal. Let's go through each term and explain what they are.

1. New Jersey: New Jersey is one of the 50 states in the United States of America. It is located in the Mid-Atlantic region and is bordered by New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Atlantic Ocean. New Jersey has a diverse population and is known for its industries such as pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, and finance. To find more specific information about New Jersey, you can search online using keywords like "New Jersey history," "New Jersey attractions," or "New Jersey government."

2. Proprietary: The term "proprietary" can have different meanings depending on the context. In a general sense, it refers to something that is privately owned or controlled. For example, a proprietary software is a type of software that is owned and controlled by a specific company or individual, and access to it is restricted. In a legal context, proprietary can refer to intellectual property or exclusive rights granted to individuals or organizations. To further understand the meaning of "proprietary" in a specific context, you may want to provide more information or provide a sentence to clarify the intended usage of the term.

3. Royal: The term "royal" refers to something related to a king, queen, or royal family. It can describe aspects like royal titles, royal duties, or the properties and privileges associated with royalty. This term often pertains to monarchies, which are political systems in which a monarch serves as the head of state. Monarchies can be found in various countries around the world, and the specific roles and responsibilities of royalty can differ depending on the country's traditions and laws. To explore more about royalty or a specific royal family, you can search online using keywords like "royal family history" or "monarchy in [country name]."

In summary, New Jersey is a state in the United States, proprietary refers to something privately owned or controlled, and royal is a term associated with kings, queens, and monarchies.