Which of the following tables accurately describes the key

events in the fight for Black American civil rights in
chronological order? (1 point)


Order 8802

allowed Black Americans to participate in
the defense industry

Double V

acknowledged that Black Americans
thought fighting for freedom and
democracy overseas contradicted the
racial discrimination they experienced in
the U.S.

Bus Boycott

ended segregation on city buses in
Montgomery, Alabama

March on
for Jobs and

an organized march to apply pressure on
politicians for equal civil and economic
rights for Black Americans

Civil Rights

a law passed prohibiting discrimination on
the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin

Rights Act

a law to enforce the Fifteenth Amendment
of the Constitution by prohibiting
discriminatory voting practices

10/5/2023, 9:25 AM



Bus Boycott

ended segregation on city buses in
Montgomery, Alabama

March on
for Jobs and

an organized march to apply pressure on
politicians for equal civil and economic
rights for Black Americans

Order 8802

allowed Black Americans to participate in
the defense industry

Civil Rights

a law passed prohibiting discrimination on
the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin

Double V

acknowledged that Black Americans
thought fighting for freedom and

democracy overseas contradicted the

racial discrimination they experienced in
the U.S.

Rights Act

a law to enforce the Fifteenth Amendment
of the Constitution by prohibiting
discriminatory voting practices

democracy overseas contradicted the

racial discrimination they experienced in
the U.S.

Rights Act

a law to enforce the Fifteenth Amendment
of the Constitution by prohibiting
discriminatory voting practices

To identify the table that accurately describes the key events in the fight for Black American civil rights in chronological order, we can analyze the events and their descriptions.

1. Executive Order 8802: This event allowed Black Americans to participate in the defense industry.

2. Double V Campaign: This campaign acknowledged that Black Americans thought fighting for freedom and democracy overseas contradicted the racial discrimination they experienced in the U.S.

3. Montgomery Bus Boycott: This event ended segregation on city buses in Montgomery, Alabama.

4. March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom: This was an organized march to apply pressure on politicians for equal civil and economic rights for Black Americans.

5. Civil Rights Act: This is a law passed prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

6. Voting Rights Act: This is a law that enforces the Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution by prohibiting discriminatory voting practices.

After comparing the events and their descriptions in both tables, we can determine that the first table accurately organizes the events in chronological order:

1. Executive Order 8802
2. Double V Campaign
3. Montgomery Bus Boycott
4. March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
5. Civil Rights Act
6. Voting Rights Act