Which of the following statements about outlining a speech is false?

Write out your speech word for word.

Transfer the ideas in your outline to individual note cards.

Note cards help you remember your important points and keep your speech on track.

Be sure you have an introduction, your main points, supporting details, and a conclusion.

The false statement is "Write out your speech word for word."

The false statement about outlining a speech is: "Write out your speech word for word."

To identify the false statement about outlining a speech, let's go through each option and assess its accuracy:

1. "Write out your speech word for word." - This statement is generally true for some individuals who prefer to have a fully written script to follow during their speech. However, it is not a necessary step for everyone and can be time-consuming. Therefore, this statement is not false.

2. "Transfer the ideas in your outline to individual note cards." - This statement is an effective practice for many speakers. By transferring the main ideas and key points from your speech outline to note cards, you create a concise reference tool to use during your presentation. This helps you remember your important points and stay on track. Therefore, this statement is not false.

3. "Note cards help you remember your important points and keep your speech on track." - This statement is true. Note cards are a commonly used tool for public speaking, allowing speakers to carry key points and reminders with them. The note cards act as prompts, helping speakers recall important information and maintain the flow of their speech. Therefore, this statement is not false.

4. "Be sure you have an introduction, your main points, supporting details, and a conclusion." - This statement is a fundamental principle of speech outlining. Having an introduction, main points, supporting details, and a conclusion helps ensure a well-structured and coherent speech. Therefore, this statement is not false.

After assessing all the options, it appears that there is no false statement among the provided options.