During which stage of the listening process would you research a speaker’s topic?

taking notes


active involvement


The correct answer is preparation. Researching a speaker's topic is a part of the preparation stage of the listening process. This stage involves gathering information about the speaker, their background, and the topic they will be discussing in order to be better prepared to listen and understand the content.

During the stage of the listening process, you would research a speaker's topic during the preparation stage. This is the stage where you gather information about the speaker and their topic before the actual listening experience takes place. Researching the speaker's topic helps you to gain a better understanding of the subject matter and allows you to be better prepared to actively listen and engage with the content.

During the listening process, researching a speaker's topic typically occurs during the stage of preparation. This is the stage where you gather information and become familiar with the topic or subject matter that the speaker will discuss. Researching the speaker's topic beforehand helps you gain a better understanding of the subject matter, allowing you to follow along more effectively during the actual presentation. It allows you to familiarize yourself with key concepts, terms, and information related to the topic, which can enhance your comprehension and retention of the material. Therefore, researching a speaker's topic before the presentation is an essential part of the preparation stage of the listening process.