A) What event in 1917 most benefited the Allies? (1 point)

A.Germany agreed to end unrestricted submarine warfare,

B.Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

C.The United States declared war against Germany.

D.Woodrow Wilson published his Fourteen Points

C.The United States declared war against Germany.

C. The United States declared war against Germany.

To determine which event in 1917 most benefited the Allies, we can analyze each option:

A) Germany agreed to end unrestricted submarine warfare:

To check if this event benefited the Allies, we need to understand the impact of unrestricted submarine warfare. Germany's use of unrestricted submarine warfare was one of the main causes of the United States' entry into World War I. If Germany had discontinued this tactic, it could have reduced their ability to disrupt Allied shipping and potentially weakened their position. However, solely ending this warfare might not have been enough to significantly benefit the Allies.

B) Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk:

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk marked the end of Russia's involvement in World War I. Under this treaty, Russia made significant territorial concessions to Germany, including the loss of large territories in Eastern Europe. While this event may have relieved pressure on Germany's Eastern Front, it would not have directly benefited the Allies.

C) The United States declared war against Germany:

The United States officially declared war on Germany in April 1917. This event was significant because the United States possessed considerable industrial and military resources, which greatly bolstered the Allied war effort. The entrance of the United States into the war had a substantial positive impact on the Allies' ability to sustain their forces and ultimately contributed to their victory.

D) Woodrow Wilson published his Fourteen Points:

Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points were a set of proposed principles for post-war peace negotiations. While they provided a framework for a more equitable and just peace settlement, they were published in January 1918, after 1917. Therefore, this event does not belong to the options for 1917.

Considering the given options, C) The United States declaring war against Germany in 1917 stands out as the event that most benefited the Allies.