10. Drag and drop the correct term to answer the question.(1 point)

Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.
Response area is the independent variable in Case A.
services to help improve grades


The correct term to answer the question is "grades".

To answer the question and complete the drag and drop activity, follow these steps:

1. Identify the question: The question is asking for the term that represents the independent variable in Case A.

2. Understand the variables: The independent variable is the factor that is being manipulated or changed in an experiment. The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the factor that is being measured or observed to see how it is affected by the independent variable.

3. Review the options: The options given are "grades," "services to help improve grades," and "teachers."

4. Determine the correct term: The independent variable in Case A refers to the factor being manipulated. From the options, the only term that aligns with this definition is "services to help improve grades." This term represents the intervention or treatment being provided to potentially improve grades.

5. Drag and drop the correct term: Depending on the platform or interface you are using, interact with the drag and drop feature to select the term "services to help improve grades" and place it in the response area.

6. Submit and verify: Once you have completed the activity, submit your answer and check if it is correct. The system should provide feedback indicating if your response is accurate or not.