Student A believes that a junior high student should not be required to volunteer. Student B believes that all junior high students should have to volunteer.

Which piece of evidence could Student B add to strengthen the argument?

(1 point)

O Students who volunteer have to work for a charity.

O Students who volunteer have more opportunities to learn life skills.

O Students who volunteer have less time to do school work.

O Students who volunteer have more opportunities to talk to adults.

Student B could add the evidence that "Students who volunteer have more opportunities to learn life skills." This would strengthen the argument by highlighting the potential benefits and valuable experiences that volunteering can offer to junior high students.

To strengthen the argument that all junior high students should have to volunteer, Student B could add the piece of evidence that "Students who volunteer have more opportunities to learn life skills." This supports the idea that volunteering can provide valuable learning experiences for students, such as developing teamwork, responsibility, and empathy, which can benefit them in their personal and future professional lives.

To strengthen the argument that all junior high students should have to volunteer, Student B could add the piece of evidence that students who volunteer have more opportunities to learn life skills. This evidence supports the notion that volunteering can be an educational and enriching experience for students, allowing them to develop important skills such as teamwork, leadership, and empathy. This evidence highlights the potential benefits of volunteer work and can help support the argument that it should be required for all junior high students.