7. The

is the part of the experiment that serves as a basis of comparison; the experimenter attempts to keep these conditions constant..
control variable

The control variable

The answer is control variable.

A control variable is the part of the experiment that serves as a basis of comparison. The experimenter attempts to keep these conditions constant throughout the experiment. Control variables are kept consistent to ensure that any changes or effects observed in the experiment are a result of the manipulated or independent variable, rather than any other factors.

The correct answer is the control variable.

To determine the answer, first, we need to understand the definitions of the terms given in the question:

1. Variables: In an experiment, variables are factors or conditions that can change or be manipulated. There are typically two types of variables: independent variables (which are manipulated by the experimenter) and dependent variables (which are the outcomes or results of the experiment).

2. Data: Data refers to the information or observations collected during an experiment or study. It can be quantitative (numerical) or qualitative (descriptive).

3. Control Variable: This is the part of the experiment that serves as the basis for comparison. The experimenter attempts to keep these conditions constant throughout the experiment so that they do not influence the results. This helps isolate the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

Now, looking at the options provided:
- Variables: This term refers to the factors or conditions that can change or be manipulated, so it does not fit the description.
- Data: While data is an essential component of an experiment, it does not serve as a basis for comparison or help keep conditions constant.
- Control Variable: This term fits the description given in the question. The control variable is the part of the experiment that is kept constant to provide a baseline comparison for the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

Therefore, the correct answer is the control variable.