Which of the following is an example of the primary source is it an encyclopedia article and I witness interview a biography of the historical figure or a history textbook?

The example of a primary source among the given options is an eyewitness interview.

The example of a primary source among the options you listed is the eyewitness interview. Primary sources are original documents or materials that are created during the time period being studied or by people who directly witnessed or experienced the event. An eyewitness interview is a firsthand account given by someone who directly observed the event or situation.

To determine which of the options is an example of a primary source, we need to understand what a primary source is. A primary source is an original document or artifact that provides firsthand information about an event, topic, or person at the time it occurred. It is created by someone who witnessed or experienced the event or who had direct involvement with the subject.

Based on this definition, the most likely example of a primary source among the options given would be the eyewitness interview. An eyewitness interview presents direct testimony or accounts from someone who was present during the event or had personal involvement with the subject. This firsthand information makes it a primary source as it provides immediate and unfiltered information from the source itself.

On the other hand, an encyclopedia article, a biography of a historical figure, or a history textbook are considered secondary sources. Secondary sources interpret, analyze, or summarize primary sources, providing an interpretation or analysis of the information rather than presenting the original firsthand account.

To make a final determination, it is always important to examine the specific context and content of the sources in question.